Uebler spacer with toothed strap, 2nd bike, removable (for 3-bike carrier), key number 875
69,90 €
79,00 €
incl. VAT
free shipping*
We only deliver UEBLER products exclusively within Austria
- With carbon protection.
- For bicycle frames
- Round tube: 115mm
- Rectangular tube: 120 x 80 mm
- Square tube: 95 x 95 mm
- for i31, X31 S, P32 S, F32, F32 XL, F34, F42
new {{jahr}}
{{#UVP}} {{UVP}} {{/UVP}} {{record.Preis}}*
{{#FreeShipping}} free shipping {{/FreeShipping}} {{^FreeShipping}} excl. shipping costs {{/FreeShipping}}
{{^onStock}}Lieferzeit: {{/onStock}}{{record.Lieferbarkeit}}