Tunturi fitness gloves - Fit Sport
7,50 €
10,00 €
incl. VAT
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As a strength athlete, sooner or later you have to deal with it: Blisters and calluses on your hands. This can be very annoying, especially if you like to train with handholds, weights and pull-up bars. Luckily, there's a simple solution: these Tunturi Fitness Gloves. They are made of sturdy leather and elastic nylon. The fitness gloves protect your hands while providing a good and comfortable grip. Others who work out in a gym often train with the same bars and weights as you. Therefore, the fitness gloves are also good to have from a hygiene point of view.
The advantages of the Tunturi fitness gloves Fit Sport:
- Protects your hands from blisters and calluses
- hygienic
- good fit due to the elastic nylon
- For a firm grip so you can lift more weight or do more repetitions
- With open fingers
- for all seasons
- Velcro closure
- colour: black
- Material: leather | nylon
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