Pilates / Yoga
Pilates and yoga - beneficial for body and mind.
The combination of Pilates and yoga is the ideal workout to achieve more body tension, composure and inner peace. Yoga and Pilates strengthen the body and core with targeted exercises. With the right equipment, both can be practiced at any time.
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Yoga versus Pilates: What are the advantages and differences?
Yoga and Pilates overlap with their exercises to some extent and are similar. Both disciplines are about gently strengthening the body and finding one's center. Body and mind are to be brought into harmony with physical exercises, meditation and breathing techniques. In addition, it is important to change stressful posture and movement patterns, because Pilates strengthens the deeper lying back and abdominal muscles. It is all about the center of the body, the "powerhouse". This makes it possible to eliminate back pain in the long term. It makes sense to connect and combine both.
What is the difference between yoga and Pilates?
Yoga has developed from meditation rituals. It can strengthen us through stretching exercises, harmonize the body, breath and mind, calm the nerves and make muscles more flexible. In Pilates, deep-seated muscle groups, usually weaker, are trained to optimize posture and provide strength and poise. Thus, both forms enrich each other, as yoga, which has a significant mental component, is supplemented with the physical factor.
What is needed for yoga?
The perfect accessory is a non-slip yoga mat, as it provides support and cushioning during the exercises. The mat is gentle on the body and beds it more gently on the surface. The non-slip yoga balance pad or balance cushion improves balance, coordination and responsiveness. It is also ideal as a seat ball cushion for back-friendly sitting on the office chair. Fascia roller activates muscles before sports and afterwards it accelerates recovery. It improves the mobility, flexibility and performance of the muscles, stimulates blood circulation, can reduce pain and prevent muscle soreness and injuries, because adhesions are loosened, making the fascia more supple. The hula hoop has long been considered a healthy trend sport. Circling requires a lot of rhythm from the center of the body. The risk of injury is extremely low. This can also be used to eliminate back pain by strengthening the muscles in the lower back and abdomen and releasing tension in the torso.
Yoga starts with the powerful Pilates exercises to strengthen the body. This is followed by the stretching yoga which creates body awareness. Finally, meditation is done to relax the mind as well.
YOGILATES - Yoga and Pilates combined
The latest trend is to combine yoga and Pilates to effectively stretch and strengthen the body on the one hand and relax the mind on the other. With the right equipment, you can start doing it at any time and integrate it regularly into your daily routine.