Every beat a little heartbeat - aerobics brings lightness to training
Take various ingredients - step boards, hand weights, mats, etc. - and mix everything well. - mix everything well - and you have a colourful workout session that is a lot of fun. Aerobics gives you a dynamic endurance workout that you can do in the comfort of your own home. The focus is not on maximising results, but above all on a playful lightness and joy of movement.
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From the 80s gymnastics to the mega trend.
Aerobics / fitness is not only fun, but a great fitness workout that trains endurance, coordination and strength in equal measure. In addition, aerobics is suitable for the untrained as well as for ambitious athletes. This makes it a universal sport for all ages and fitness levels, depending on the intensity and equipment used.
Some information about the history of aerobic training
The dynamic training principle was developed in the 1960s by a US-American doctor to strengthen the cardiovascular system. The word "aerobics" is derived from the term "aerobic exercise". This means that training takes place in a performance range in which the body's oxygen intake is identical to the current oxygen demand. Due to this constellation, physical performance can be maintained for a very long time (endurance). After Jane Fonda succeeded in marketing the sweat-inducing gymnastics to rousing music, aerobics became known all over the world in the 80s. There was a real aerobics boom, at the height of which more and more doctors and scientists discussed the movements that were common at the time with regard to their sometimes questionable effects on bones and joints. The result was a positive development of aerobic training into several healthy sports programs.
What exactly is aerobics today?
Advantages of aerobics at a glance:
- effective, varied health training for everyone
- high fun factor - stress reduction
- positive effects on body and mind -
- improvement of endurance, strength, coordination and flexibility - modern equipment controls the load and intensifies the exercise.
- Modern equipment controls the load and intensifies the training - High motivation through music
- high motivation through music -
- low risk of injury
What is needed for an aerobic workout?
The 3 phases of an optimal aerobic workout
Whether in the gym, with friends and colleagues or alone at home: An effective, healthy training session lasts between 60 and 90 minutes and is divided into three phases. After the warm-up comes the main workout, followed by the cool-down:
1. the warm up: this phase serves to warm up the muscles, tendons and ligaments. Both the body and the mind prepare themselves for the subsequent stresses. For this purpose, depending on the duration of the course, simple aerobic exercises without equipment are performed for 10 to 15 minutes in combination with stretching and mobilisation.
2. the main part: Now the intensive load follows after guidance and choreography. Depending on the aerobic program, fitness mats and small equipment such as weight cuffs, weight vests, dumbbells and barbells, ropes, tubes, gym balls, balance pads and much more are used. The speed and beat is set by the music. 3.
3. the conclusion (cool down): With slow movements and purposeful stretching exercises for the stressed muscle groups the exercise unit ends. Allow about 10 minutes for the "cool down".