Finnlo floor protection mat 8 pieces (each piece 50x50x0.6cm)
99,95 € incl. VAT free shipping*
Note: Due to changes in design, this mat can no longer be expanded with the older version!
The very good noise-insulating floor mat offers you highly effective protection against damage. The puzzle mat can be laid out easily without sticking and is odorless. The edges of each mat are shaped as a zippered toothed strip. The interlocking of the respective mats during installation and the resulting connection creates a permanently cohesive floor protection. Each mat can be cut to your desired shape with a carpet cutter or scissors, so there are no limits to the creativity of your interior design.
- Dimensions (L x W x H): 50 x 50 x 0.6 cm
- Weight: 10 kg
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{{#UVP}} {{UVP}} {{/UVP}} {{record.Preis}}*
{{#FreeShipping}} free shipping {{/FreeShipping}} {{^FreeShipping}} excl. shipping costs {{/FreeShipping}}
{{^onStock}}Lieferzeit: {{/onStock}}{{record.Lieferbarkeit}}
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