The ACID frame bag TRIKE 2 was specially developed for the CUBE Cargobike TRIKE. It is made to fit perfectly from high-quality materials, welded and waterproof. Attached to the frame, the available space is perfectly utilised and additional storage space is created. Reflective elements increase visibility and therefore safety in road traffic.
- welded construction
- waterproof
- abrasion-resistant outer material
- PVC-free
- reflective element
- designed and exclusively suitable for the TRIKE
Model year | 2024 |
new {{jahr}}
{{#UVP}} {{UVP}} {{/UVP}} {{record.Preis}}*
{{#FreeShipping}} free shipping {{/FreeShipping}} {{^FreeShipping}} excl. shipping costs {{/FreeShipping}}
{{^onStock}}Lieferzeit: {{/onStock}}{{record.Lieferbarkeit}}
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