The pedals are the direct link between the rider and the bike and transfer leg power to the pedal crank. It is important that they provide a secure footing and the greatest possible comfort and safety.
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Pedals - This is where the muscle power is transferred to your bike!
There are two important tasks of pedals. Here transfer the power of the muscles. Often underestimated: the safe stand in the pedal. These two requirements are implemented very differently - depending on the purpose. There are three basic types of pedals. The platform pedals, the classic pedals (block pedals) and click pedals. Both forms can be found on the mountain bikes, the racing bikes, city bikes or the trekking bikes. Click pedals require the use of additional special shoes. Depending on the click system, the so-called cleats (retaining plates) are still added. The decisive factor is the specific requirement - choose your pedal accordingly!